| 1. | Application | 6:10 PM Interviews with Applicants to the Planning Commission and Climate Action Committee | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2.2. | Report | Report of Warrants Issued, May 2022 | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2.3. | Resolution | Consider Adoption of Resolution to Allow for Virtual Town Council Meetings in Compliance with AB 361. | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2.4. | Appointment | Appoint applicants to the Climate Action Committee | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2.5. | Report | CalRecycle SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant Program Award | | |
Action details
Not available
| 2.6. | Report | Establishing Job Description and Pay Range for Public Works Manager Position | | |
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Not available
| 3. | Report | Flood Zone 9 (Verbal Report) | | |
Action details
| 4. | Report | Consider approval of a Resolution establishing a Housing Element Advisory Committee, appoint one Town Councilmember to the committee, and direct staff to bring recommendations for the appointment of one Planning Commissioner and three public applicants to the next Town Council meeting for consideration and approval. | approved as amended | Pass |
Action details
| 5. | Report | Introduction and first reading of an Amendment to the San Anselmo Municipal Code adding Chapter 24 “All Electric Construction in Newly Constructed Residential Buildings” to Title 9 “Building Regulations”; and Amendment to Chapter 9-19 “Green Building Requirements” for consistency. | adopted | Fail |
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| 6. | Resolution | 2021-2022 Budget Amendment and 2022-2023 Preliminary Proposed Budget and Work Plan | approved | Pass |
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| 7. | Resolution | 9 Laurel Avenue, APN 007-112-11, appeal by Applicants Hassan Afrookteh and Brooke Peterson of Planning Commission decision to deny applications for design review for a second story addition, a variance to allow two parking spaces to be created in the north side setback (8-foot side setback required), with one of the two in the front setback (20-foot setback required), a variance to allow an area of pavers in the front setback to be used for an additional, undersized, parking space, a demolition permit to remove more than 50% of the exterior walls (54.3% demolition proposed, which included 25.3% related to the residence and the balance for demolition of an attached garage structure), and a variance to maintain the existing lower level of the structure 16 feet to 19 feet from the front property line (20-foot setback required for over 50% demolition). | approved | Pass |
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