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File #: 22-265   
Type: Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 6/20/2022 In control: Town Council
On agenda: 6/28/2022 Final action:
Title: San Anselmo Sales Tax & Library Parcel Tax Renewals
Sponsors: Town Council
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Attachment #1: Sales Tax Measure Resolution draft, 3. Attachment #2: Sales Tax Ordinance draft, 4. Attachment #3: Library Tax Resolution draft, 5. Attachment #4: Library Tax Ordinance draft
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Dave Donery, Town Manager, Linda Kenton, Town Librarian & Assistant Town Manager, & Jeff Zuba, Finance & Administrative Services Director                      




San Anselmo Sales Tax & Library Parcel Tax Renewals






That Council approve of the parameters for the proposed ballot measures placing a one-cent sales tax measure for general purposes and a special library parcel tax measure on the November 2022 General Election ballot, including final ballot language and a statement of intent on expenditures, and provide direction to staff.





At the meeting of April 12, the Council reviewed the results of the recent public opinion poll which tested the public’s appetite for the renewal of the Library parcel tax and Measure D sales tax.  The Council also reviewed draft ballot questions and provided input on the potential duration of the tax measures.  Following presentations, discussion and public comment related to the measures, the Council directed staff to begin work to put a one-cent general sales tax measure and library parcel tax measure on the November 8, 2022, ballot.




I.                     Measure D Renewal

There are several decisions that still need to be made regarding the sales tax ballot measure. These decisions include: the final wording of the ballot question and a statement of intent on expenditures.


A.                     Ballot Question

The Town must formulate the ballot question that describes the measure. Based on input from Council during previous meetings, staff and consultants developed the following proposed question:


To maintain/enhance general Town of San Anselmo services/facilities such as repairing potholes; repaving roads’ improving water storage for drought resilience; maintaining 9-1-1 emergency firefighter/paramedic response times; improving fire protection, shall the Town of San Anselmo ordinance be adopted extending the existing voter-approved sales tax at 1¢ rate, providing $2,400,000 annually for general government use until ended by voters, requiring independent citizen oversight/audits, no money for administrator salaries and all funds staying in San Anselmo under local control?


Under state law, the question must be 75 words or less; therefore, any suggested changes to the proposed language should account for this word limit.  Once the Council agrees to the final version of the ballot question, it will be incorporated into the attached draft resolution, which the Council will formally adopt at its July 26, 2022, meeting.  (Attachment 1) 


B.                     Term of Measure D Renewal

At the June 14, 2022, a majority of the Town Council supported having a discussion on the term only of the Measure D renewal. The current ballot question provides that the tax will remain in effect, “until ended by voters”.   Staff has worked with Town consultants to provide options for the Council’s consideration based on the survey results and on possible timing for renewal of the Library tax.


For the Library tax, a 9-year duration was tested and it did well. Staff recommends leaving this unchanged, as reflected in the attached draft resolution. (Attachment 3).  This would leave the renewal with the same term as the previous tax with the new measure running for 9 years from 2024-25 through 2032-33 and with proposed renewal in 2032.

For the Measure D renewal, staff recommends that the Council consider a term of 9 or 12 years.  A conservative 9-year term would expire in 2031 with renewal considered in 2030, which would avoid overlapping the library tax renewal. Another option would be a 12-year term, which would expire in 2034 and could be renewed that year, again staying clear of the library tax.  The polling suggests that both options are viable.

C. Statement of Intent on Expenditures


Although the Measure D renewal is a general tax that cannot be dedicated to a specific use, the Council may adopt a statement of intent on expenditures to outline, generally, how the Council intends to spend the tax proceeds.  Staff proposes the following statement for the Council’s consideration:


If the Town Measure is renewed, the current Town Council intends to spend the money for:


                     Repair potholes and maintain streets

                     Reduce the impacts of drought with new water sources and storage

                     Improve fire protection services

                     Maintain 9-1-1 emergency, firefighter, and paramedic response times

                     Maintain bridges and retaining walls

                     Improve and maintain Town parks


D.  Accountability Measures - Staff recommends that the Capital Program Monitoring Committee continue to review and report on the use of the tax proceeds, as reflected in the attached Ordinance.  (Attachment 2).




II.                     Library Parcel Tax Renewal


A.                      Ballot Question

The Town must formulate the ballot question that describes the measure. Based on input from Council, staff and consultants developed the following proposed question:


To continue expiring funding for San Anselmo Library to maintain library operating hours; increase book/ ebook collections; maintain programs for children, families, seniors/ people with disabilities; and maintain free internet access, computers/technology, shall the measure be adopted extending the existing San Anselmo library services tax at the existing rate of $70 per parcel, providing $320,000 annually, for nine years, with annual adjustments, mandatory audits, independent citizens’ oversight and all funds locally controlled for San Anselmo Library?


Note that the $70 rate proposed in the draft ballot question will be the same as the rate being charged per parcel in Fiscal Year 2023-2024, when the current Library Tax expires.  Accordingly, the proposed tax will take effect on July 1, 2024, at that existing rate.  Any changes to the proposed ballot question will be incorporated into the attached draft resolution for adoption by the Council at its July 26, 2022, meeting.  (Attachment 3).


B.                     Accountability Measures

Staff recommends that the Library Tax Oversight Committee continue to review and report on the use of the tax proceeds, as reflected in the attached Ordinance.  (Attachment 4).


III.                     Ballot Measures - Timeline

The timeline for the ballot measures is set by the Marin County Registrar of Voters. The approved resolutions are due to the County by Friday, August 12th. The Town Council will give final consideration of the measures, resolutions, and ordinances at the July 26, 2022, Town Council meeting. 


The following are key dates for the preparation and processing of the ballot measures:






The Council’s discussion of this item is not a “project” under the California Environmental Quality Act, because it does not involve an activity which has the potential to cause a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment. (Cal. Pub. Res. Code § 21065).




Staff seeks direction on the above issues so that the resolutions and ordinances for the proposed ballot measures can be prepared and presented to the Council for approval at the next regular Town Council meeting.




Attachment #1: Sales Tax draft Resolution

Attachment #2: Sales Tax draft Ordinance

Attachment #3: Library Tax draft Resolution

Attachment #4: Library Tax draft Ordinance